New World : Rising (New World #1) Book Review


New World Rising (New World #1) 

Author: Jennifer Wilson
Published by: Oftomes Publishing
Released: January 5th, 2016
Genre: Dystopian, Fiction
Pages: 351
Format: Kindle Edition
Characters: Phoenix , Triven, Mouse, Arstid, Arden, Asher, etc…

“There is no good or evil here, it all depends on what side you’re standing. Nor is it about wrong or right, it’s about surviving.”
― Jennifer Wilson, New World: Rising

Synopsis :

Since witnessing her parents’ murders at the age of eleven, Phoenix’s only purpose in life has been to uphold her mother’s dying words- to be strong and survive. But surviving outside of The Walls- outside of The Sanctuary- is more like a drawn-out death sentence. A cruel and ruthless city, Tartarus is run by the Tribes whose motto is simple, “Join or die.”

Refusing to join and determined to live, Phoenix fights to survive in this savage world. But who can she trust, when no one can be trusted? Not even herself. (Source: Goodreads)

“There is still good in people. Sometimes It’s hard to see past all the pain and cruelty, but there are still good people out there. I saw good in you.”
― Jennifer Wilson, New World: Rising


My thought on the book? :

First of all, thank you to the author of this amazing series for giving me an ebook copy in return for an honest review. For me, this book definitely has all the criteria of dystopian genre. The set up and idea has mirrored that concept clearly. New World Rising had definitely surprised me with the characters and the plot itself. I like the idea of the book. It wasn’t just about escapism, but it also involved entering an old life, entering somewhere that started everything. It was also about discovery and mysteries and secrets.

“Mostly you learn to cherish those moments that are good. Like these. Nothing in the world is permanent, so you have to make those good moments count.”
― Jennifer Wilson, New World: Rising

The plot for me was pretty intense and fast paced. It started from Phoenix surviving by herself and being discovered and got captured by the people that she couldn’t put a label on, they did not belong to any Tribe. Everything was confusing for her at first, then she turned out to be one of the keys to lead the people to their goal and it had also become her goal as well later on. The story went on very fast and it was a pleasure reading it. The chapters were easily to go through and the writing style was understood without any difficulty. The flow of the story was smooth as well. The ending of the book also made you want to read the sequel ASAP because .. (Well, you gotta read it to find out yourself *winks*)

“Even the most gentle people have a dark side you know.” I was trying to warn him.
“I know,” he said handing me the other bowl of soup.
“It’s how you control that darkness that defines you.”
― Jennifer Wilson, New World: Rising

There were not much characters that really stood out in the book as the story mainly revolved around the main character, Phoenix. It told a lot about Phoenix. Phoenix is this badass girl and skillful as well. Her character later on may appear to be annoying to some people as she was indecisive in her love life. However, her badass side made me forgave her indecisive personality. I also found that Mouse is a very interesting character. You need to read this book to know about this little girl. I think her character was significant to the changes happening in Phoenix and also crucial to the book.

Overall, I loved reading this book and can’t wait to start the second book. I predict this series is going to be one of my favourite dystopian read this year. So, I recommend all of dystopian lovers to get this series and start reading it!

Rating : 4.5 / 5 stars

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